Reclaiming the Wonder

Every morning, eyes wide, he pops up in his bed and whispers,” mama, is it Christmas?” For my three-year-old this has been a season of absolute wonder, joy and delight! Everything feels new for him this year. From the tree, which gets rearranged daily, to discovering the taste of candy canes, “it’s yummy mama”, rushing to the window each morning hoping for snow, special craft projects with grandma – that include lots of glitter, pointing out Christmas lights while were driving, singing jingle bells over and over…and over…and over, baking Christmas cookies, and opening the Advent Calendar each day revealing another way to prepare for Christmas – to which he enthusiastically says “let’s do it!”, and the conversations about the birth of Jesus, the manger, animals, and a really bright star… The innocence, complete enjoyment, the peace, the hope, the joy…

I watch my son and the way he is experiencing Christmas and find myself longing for the simplicity of his joy. How did I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle – just working to get through to the next thing, and the pressures and cares of the world, that I have misplaced the simplicity and delight of this season? With just a few days until Christmas, I am determined to regain some of what my son has reminded me of! The question is how… There are three things I am committed to doing:

  • Give Generously: I’m not strictly talking monetarily. I am committing to give generously of my time, my affection, my grace, my smile and wishing people a Merry Christmas, as well as my money. When I give generously, I am changed.
  • Be Still: When I take the opportunity to be still I get to reflect. I reflect on the things close to my heart and the little things that put a smile on my face. I notice the beauty of all the good around me, and I get to reflect on why it is we celebrate Christmas to start with. I need to breath in the stillness and allow peace to settle into my soul. Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know…”
  • Let Go: This is really reflective of my ideals of what I wanted to accomplish this season: the desire to create perfect memories, give the perfect gifts, create the perfect environments and experiences. Instead, I am committing to be present and in the moment allowing what happens to happen and truly enjoy the moments and being all in. I intend to laugh, experience joy, and look for the wonder of Christmas and be delighted each time I see and experience it!
I need to breath in the stillness and allow peace to settle into my soul. Click To Tweet

What about you? Have you, like me, found yourself in a different place than you had set out for this holiday season? Do you too desire to recapture the wonder, joy, and delight of Christmas? Will you commit with me to practice Giving generously, Being still, and Letting go? It’s not too late!!! Merry Christmas!! (I hope you see my smile coming through these words to you!)