
“The separation is in the preparation.” Russell Wilson

Earlier this week I heard a speaker ask the question – “Has an unexpected opportunity fallen into your lap?” This was one of those moments where, despite a room full of people, it felt like it was meant just for me. I wanted to jump up and scream “YES! Now what do I do with it?” … I restrained myself!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about preparation lately. Particularly as we have just celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. day, and my recent repeated exposure to the Hamilton sound track – due to my teenagers love of the musical. I look at people that end up doing big and impactful things, and have realized, it’s rarely in a single defining moment that one does something great. It’s really the back story of the days, months, or even years of preparation that allow those defining moments to happen. Had Dr. King not taken the time to prepare, critically think, and then boldly take his next step into being a change agent, I don’t believe he would have had the impact that is still felt today. Had Hamilton not invested the time learning, thinking, and writing, he would not have had the historical impact that he is remembered for.

It's rarely in a single defining moment one does something great. It's the back story of the preparation that allows a defining moment to happen. Click To Tweet

Preparation isn’t glamorous. As a grad student, I know that all too well! It’s often tedious, hard work, getting it wrong and trying again, not letting small victories or defeats overshadow the bigger picture. It takes humility, pressing in and not being satisfied with the first or popular answer, and persevering through weariness. I’ve found preparation often taking place in those growing times where life is really hard and I would rather not have to walk through the painful things before me. The thing is, all that preparation brings us to a place of being ready when that “unexpected opportunity” drops into our lap.

I think the hardest part is not knowing what you’re preparing for. Your heart is stirring, yet you have no clear direction as to exactly what it is you may be called on for, or what kind of opportunity you may be presented with. That’s where faith comes in. When we trust a good God who directs our steps, and trust our best is always on His mind… we are free to take that next step… and then that next step… and then that next step, and then boldly step into our opportunity to make an impact, sometimes a really big impact!

So… I am trusting, and taking that next step, knowing I have been in a season of preparation. My word of the year “Daring” resonates loudly as I begin this journey.

Are you in a season of preparation? Has an unexpected opportunity fallen into your lap? What is your next step? You never know when your defining moment of contribution is just ahead of you! You are capable of big things! Keep pressing in!!!